Ham Mobile Calendar

Mobile calendar status: Online

arizona ham nets

How It Works: All ham nets and events listed on this web site are auto uploaded to the ham net mobile calendar listed below. You will always have an up to date calendar with any new additions or any modifications that are made to an event or net.

Adding The Calendar To Your Device: Luckily the AZ ham mobile calendar is very easy to add the Ham Event calendar to your phone or tablet so you are always up to date with the latest ham nets & events information.

First, go to Settings on your device and then locate the section to add a calendar to your device. The calendar type you will be adding is called an Internet calendar which will always sync with the info you see on the AZ Ham Nets & Events web site. Once you are at the screen to add a new calendar to your device, send the following link to your phone and paste it into the box to add an iCal or Internet Calendar:

Calendar Link: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/b5otk1aoatmeh7fipcrhdf0djk%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics

If you are having trouble finding the place or adding an internet/subscribed calendar to your device, below are steps to adding an internet calendar via a given link to an Apple device and a link to the guide to adding an internet calendar to an Android device.

iPhone Guide: Subscribing to a calendar
– Go to Settings > Passwords & Accounts > Add Account > Other.
– Tap Add Subscribed Calendar.
– Enter the URL of the .ics file from the calendar link section
**You can also add an iCalendar (.ics) by clicking the link above directly on your Apple device

Android Guide: 

Support/Help:  If you have any issues or need help with getting the calendar added to your device, click the link below for to request assistance